Introduction to 'Open Messaging'

Open Messaging is a shortened term for 'open-source instant-messaging'. It does not mean that all messages are 'open', as they can be private as well. is our open-source messaging server software, and allows groups to chat by text or video online. You can use your own private servers.
It's simple
There are no complex forms for people to fill out with reams of details. Just enter comments, and chat immediately with your group. There is no clutter as the messaging form appears on top of a website after clicking a link.
It's live
Are you ready for a live discussion with your family, group or company without installing any software on each device? Welcome to messaging with open technology. Good-bye Big Brother.
It's worry free
You can sit back and relax. You don't have to be at the desk 24/7. We email or notify your app whenever someone is offering to chat. Then you can respond immediately from your mobile device, or in your own time. If there's a message that shouldn't be there, a single click will remove the message from the list.
It's flexible
As a website owner, you can easily match the look and feel to your website; start up any number of unique messaging forums on the same site, and add any number of people into the discussion. See a Market Comparison of product features.
It's built to suit your lifestyle
Relaxing on a beach? No problem. We're mobile first, but we also work on any device including desktops and tablets (yes iPads too!). Anybody from corporate IE desktop users, to Android or iPhone mobile users can enter their comments just as effectively.
It's part forum, part instant chat
But you choose whether you're sending publicly or privately. And you can respond privately to any user on the forum. 
Did we say, it's free?
The server is available to download and install on your local PC / Mac / Linux machine, now. However, if you prefer an easier life, you can choose our existing hosted version of the server at You'll only pay for a hosted version if you want to run a private forum. With this, you have any volume of messages and any number of users.
It's developer friendly
If you're a front-end person, our simple 5 minute installation is the place to start. Then add the messaging class to any one of your hyperlinks. You can optionally dig deep into the CSS to modify the look and feel to match your site. Or, for back-end, or administrators, you can install your own AtomJump Messaging Server, which is completely free and open source, built in PHP/NodeJS. Add one of the many plugins, or develop a plugin yourself. If a plugin you need is not available yet, you can also add it to the Plugin Wishlist.
Get Started
Try the installation at, which is a well tuned instance of the server, or the demo at Then, you can choose to install the server locally or on your intranet or website.